
Preparando nuevos proyectos

Hace tiempo que , tras ver algunos de los quilts hechos por Nicole, me entusiasmé con aquellos que eran diseños de Miss Rosie´s Quilt Co.
Hasta que un día descubrí que algunos de ellos se ofrecían juntos ,editados en la primavera de este año , en un libro de la misma autora, Carrie Nelson .... Obviamente salía más económico que comprar los esquemas de cada uno de ellos....
Así que lo encargué aquí y empecé a planear las telas que utilizaría para algunos .

Es difícil elegir qué quilt es el más bonito porque a mi parecer , todos son preciosos.
Sin duda , con lo que me gustan las estrellas, me incliné por estos tres......
En el primero ya he empezado a cortar las telas.

Todos y cada uno de los quilts utiliza fat quarters como base , bien de una colección o de varias.
Son colchas de gran medida y con bloques relativamente grandes.

Las telas de la reciente colección Luna Notte de Moda, son divinas para este modelo. Nicole lo ha hecho con una de las de French General y también queda precioso. Hecha un vistazo .

Este modelo me encanta. El mismo quilt con otras telas , también resulta espectacular.
Ya he ido reuniendo algunas.....

De modo que tras ir acabando un par de quilts que tenía pendiente , y que pronto os enseñaré , ya ando metida en otros nuevos..... poco a poco y que quizá se dilaten en el tiempo...... pero que sin duda os iré contando en los próximos meses.
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Chic Tailgate Picnics

Autumn weekends are meant for tailgate picnics.  Hopefully these images will inspire your next one.   Just don't forget the champagne!  Bon Weekend!

Photos from Country Living, Tommy Hilfiger, and Slim Aarons
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Billy Baldwin at Home

I'm counting down the days until Billy Baldwin: The Great American Decorator is published later this month but until then, I'm making due with my old copy of Billy Baldwin Decorates.  His own studio apartment on East 61st Street where he lived after his retirement in the early 1970's is one of my all time favorite interiors.  Except for a few elements and the old photography, it still looks good today.   

Billy Baldwin says in the book, "the best decoration in the world is a room full of books" and this space is described as "the look of a library for one-room living."

Even in the 1970's decorators had to deal with "all the usual juts and protuberances of modern apartment buildings."  Billy chose to deal with all the "beams and bumps" by coating them in shiny dark brown paint. 

"It occurred to me that this was strictly a city room, full of shine: the floor, the walls, the windows.  So I added more shine: a varnishy eighteenth-century painting of dogs, a wonderful Korean lacquer screen, and a few strategically places mirrors.  I put all my books on tall brass bookshelves-the warm glint of the brass become terribly important in the dark room."  The Porter Etageres are available through Ventry Ltd. as are the slipper chairs and other pieces. 

The Louis XV chair was one of Billy's prized possessions and he loved the texture that it and the crackled black Portuguese table, and the Korean screen added to the room.

The room was luckily not a big box and the bump outs allowed for furniture groupings including one for sleeping above.  The sofa is really a twin bed in disguise.

Billy added rugs for softness and had three sets of slipcovers made for all the upholstered furniture including ivory cotton, blue denim, and dark paisley.  I've only ever seen photos of the pieces in ivory slipcovers so this was interesting to find out. 

Like all decorators, it looks like Billy moved things around.  In some photos, the desk is placed in front of the windows and in others, a sofa has been placed in that area. 

In the beginning of Billy Baldwin Decorates is the following quote, "only your eye can tell you what you will be happy with.  Today, thank goodness, we are more concerned with the personal than with perfection."  But it's clear to see that Billy apartment was pretty darn perfect!

"A person with a real flair is a gambler at heart." - Billy Baldwin
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A post dedicated to the LEFEVRE INTERIORS employees : a project in progress.

In this post of today I would love to tell you about a project we are working on in the work places of my company


A few months ago a client asked us to design the interior of a meeting room which he would love to use to invite his business relations. It had to be a sort of multifunctional room, where he could invite his clients in a relaxed way to talk about business and where he occasionally could have dinner with his clients. At the mean time the client asked us to create the atmosphere of an English styled library room.

After our first meeting, I browsed into my files to find some inspirational images to present.


The images beneath are those our client picked out.


36 This kind of chimney piece.


The mahogany wood in this Georgian styled library room of a Lefèvre Interiors earlier project.


The beautiful details.


Open shelved cabinets.


The cornice of this room.


These are the pictures of the empty room.


Wall 1 (Where the chimney piece and shelved cabinets have to be brought in.)



Wall 2


Wall 3


Wall 4 (Entrance of the room.)


We designed a few lay-outs of the room and this one here, is the lay-out our client definitely wanted to go for.

Lay out



After preparing and discussing the technical plans, our employees are able to start the project in the atelier.


My husband and one of our employees, discussing the project.




Technical plans of the project.



List of the measurements of the required wooden planks and boards.



The carefully sorted out mahogany wood.



Ready to start!







The frames for the adjustable cabinet shelving.



Hand woven wooden radiator paneling.



Our employees are very dedicated to their job and can be sincerely proud of their craftsmanship.



The chimney piece.


When every piece of the project is prepared, and before the finishing part (application of wax, color, patina), we strictly stick to the set-up of the project at our work place. My husband and I want to be aware of the outstanding result of the project, before leaving to our client’s home. For almost 120 years, our company is reputed and well-known for the high quality produced wooden interiors and we want definitely keep it this way!

The set-up of the project at the atelier floor.








My husband is checking the fitting of the cornice.


A lot of our clients love to come to see their project here at our company and at this time they are able to make the definitive choice or to decide about the finishing of the wood.

Color This is the patina of the mahogany wood, our client has chosen for.

At this very moment our employees are working on the finishing part, which takes a few days.



Next week, the project will be ready to leave our atelier.



One of Lefèvre Interiors’ earlier realisations in mahogany wood.


As you can see, there is a lot of preparation and work required before a project is ready to leave for our client’s home.

Our employees are of the best cabinet makers, the finished projects indicate the real craftsmanship and dedication to their job. They still work in the manner and the spirit of their predecessors-cabinetmakers who have been working at Lefèvre Interiors since 1890.

That is why I also wanted to dedicate this post to all the employees of our company LEFEVRE INTERIORS.

I wish all of our employees and all of you a happy weekend!



 PS : In a later post I’ll be back with the ‘after’ post of this project.

Images : 1,2,4,5 & 6 my files (source unknown)

All the other images : Lefèvre Interiors & me.

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