
Palais Royal

One of my favorite places in Paris is the Palais Royal and especially the gardens. It's a lovely tranquil place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Stefan and I actually ate lunch in the garden one day which was a nice treat. It also happens to be home to the celebrated interior designer Jacques Grange who I am sad to say we did not see.

I wish America had more allees of trees since they are so beautiful.

I always wonder how long it takes the gardeners to trim them and how often they do it. They always look so perfect!

The double sided benches are uniquely French.

The French also have very comfortable lounge chairs in every park!

Even the simple planters are chic!

Too bad the pigeons ruined my shot!

The perfectly manicured lawn with it's keep off sign.

We really did stop to smell the roses in the garden of the Palais Royal and they smelled heavenly!

Unfortunately the courtyard with the black and white truncated columns by Daniel Buren was under construction.

A covered arcades that surround the garden houses many clothing stores, antique shops and cafes.

I loved the signs at this shop.

Didier Ludot is one of the most famous shops in the Palais Royal and consists of the vintage shop as well as one devoted to the little black dress.

A few days ago Didier Ludot celebrated the 10th anniversary of his La Petite Robe Noire with a little soiree at the Palais Royal during Paris fashion week.

There was a pretty little glove store along the arcade that would only exist in Paris!

One of the things I love most about Europeans in general is their willingness to sit outside in any type of weather. They usually just put out a few heat lamps but this cafe provides it's customers with cashmere blankets. Only in Paris!
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Trouvais, the beautiful blog que j'ai trouvé!

Today I certainly have to do this post about this wonderful blog that I discovered not so long ago!

Trish from the Blog Trouvais became one of my favourite bloggers. I know that a lof of you will have discovered her blog yet but for those who have not, I really have to recommand you to rush to her blog and enjoy all of her blogposts which are so inspiring! Trish gives us a lot of information about a lot of European and in particular about a lot of French antiques and more intresting items (even of my country Belgium)! In an elegant way Trish her posts are woven with a bit of history. Just wonderful!
I really want to thank Trish for mentionning me and my blog in one of her latest blogposts
You have to scroll down her blog to discover the most wonderful posts!
A few of my favourite posts (click on the titles to discover) :

Belgian garage

If you like to discover the Trouvais blogpost of today, please click on the image below.

Have a wonderful weekend!
all images : Trouvais blog
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Trouvais, the beautiful blog que j'ai trouvé!

Today I certainly have to do this post about this wonderful blog that I discovered not so long ago!

Trish from the Blog Trouvais became one of my favourite bloggers. I know that a lof of you will have discovered her blog yet but for those who have not, I really have to recommand you to rush to her blog and enjoy all of her blogposts which are so inspiring! Trish gives us a lot of information about a lot of European and in particular about a lot of French antiques and more intresting items (even of my country Belgium)! In an elegant way Trish her posts are woven with a bit of history. Just wonderful!
I really want to thank Trish for mentionning me and my blog in one of her latest blogposts
You have to scroll down her blog to discover the most wonderful posts!
A few of my favourite posts (click on the titles to discover) :

Belgian garage

If you like to discover the Trouvais blogpost of today, please click on the image below.

Have a wonderful weekend!
all images : Trouvais blog
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Dormitorios juveniles y modernos

Aquí les muestro algunas ideas para decorar una recámara para niños, niñas, jovencitos y chicas, habitaciones para adolescentes que crecen con tus hijos, dormitorios con mucho estilo ya que medida de que tus hijos crecen, se sienten más cómodos con un mobiliario sin extravagancias, como este dormitorio con paredes blancas, muebles de color blanco, turquesa y verde manzana:

Y para quienes tienen pasión por la fresa y el chocolate, esta decoración marrón con rosado se ve fantástica con esos detalles de la araña rosa y los cuadros con pequeños espejitos en la cabecera:

Ver más: Decorando mejor
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Ideas para decorar un cuarto juvenil - habitacion

Cuando buscamos ideas para decorar nuestra casa solemos acudir a los catálogos de mueblerías, a las revistas de decoración, a las webs, exposiciones… muchas veces nos encontramos con el problema de que las propuestas carecen de sensación de hogar, son estéticamente hermosas pero funcionalmente poco acogedoras, puesto que no han sido diseñadas para vivir en ellas, sino para lucir un producto.

En ese sentido nos puede ayudar fijarnos en decoración por expertos deespacios reales, hoteles, casas rurales, viviendas de verano… algunas empresas de construcción se dedican también al interiorismo y venden o alquilan viviendas totalmente amuebladas y decoradas, normalmente han sido asesorados por los mejores profesionales y eso es garantía de que en sus espacios podemos encontrar ideas interesantes.

En la imagen vemos una propuesta de una empresa de esas características,Euromarina, dedicada a la construccción, al interiorismo, la decoración… por lo tanto se trata de una propuesta de lo que podría ser una casa normal, tal vez no tan elegante como solemos ver en revistas, pero más realista.

En particular un cuarto juvenil doble, con camas muebles contenedores para juguetes y todo tipo de adornos y detalles, el juego que hacen con los complementos textiles nos puede servir de guía para la decoración de espacios en nuestra casa, vemos como decorar la pared con una tela, como combinarcolcha y cojines diversos y todo ello unido a muebles lacados en blanco rotoque combinan con todo.

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A Perfect Backdrop

If you were paying attention, you might have noticed that Jane Krakowski was photographed in Steven Gambrel's home for the a cover feature in the September 2009 issue of Town and Country magazine. It was a perfect backdrop for the gorgeous gowns. The home was also used for a holiday party feature of Alexandra and Theodora Richards for the December 2008 issue of Allure magazine. Maybe they were still cleaning up the carpet from that soiree when they shot Jane since it seems to be missing in her photos. As I mentioned yesterday, it is a great place to entertain! Bon Weekend!

Photos of Krakowski by John Huba and Richards by Nicolas Moore
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¡¡¡¡¡Gracias Silvia!!!!!

¿Qué mejor oportunidad que intercambiar regalos de cumpleaños en vivo y en directo ? Eso hicimos Silvia y yo el pasado mes de agosto. 

.....Y ya habéis visto en su artículo todos los detalles. ¿ A que ha quedado precioso ? Me encantan esos tonos con ese marco.
Ya son dos quakers que tengo de su mano . A este paso me llena la pared en la que tengo esta colección ¡ bien !

¿Quedamos para el próximo cumple ?
Un placer seguir disfrutando de tu compañía.  
..... y como se despiden los ingleses  "... lot of love ".

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