


Un buen accesorio para la decoracion rustica, es el canasto de mimbre.
En color natural o pintados los canastos son una excelente posibilidad de componer mobiliarios  y arreglos, que se integren al ambiente.

Ademas son accesorios sumamente accesibles y faciles de conseguir y combinan muy bien tanto con la madera como con los textiles o incluso los tachos de chapa.


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Algunas opciones de aticos con tratamiento interior bastante acabado.
Son creativas y adaptadas al gusto del rustico moderno.


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The Lion's Chic Tonight

I mentioned before that The Lion is the hot restaurant du jour since its chef John DeLucie formerly worked at The Waverly Inn. While neither place is going to win any culinary awards, The Lion might just win some design awards. It has an old school New York vibe and tons of fabulous vintage photos on its walls hung gallery style with a Basquiat and a LaChapelle. Designer Meg Sharpe apparently used to work for Kelly Wearstler and wanted The Lion to look “a little Miss Havisham.” I wish more restaurants in New York looked this cool! Enjoy!

The Lion
62 West Ninth Street
New York, NY 10011

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A la hora de decidirse por una mesa ratona para livings, todas las opciones son validas, desde los tradicionales baules antiguos avejentados, o los de madera, hasta los cajones de mimbre, mas economicos y livianos.

Estas son algunas de las propuestas de para mesas ratonas de living en estilo rustico actual.

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El estilo rustico de Paros es algo mas pretencioso que el estilo que se desarrolla en el resto de las Islas Cicladas Griegas.

Es un estilo que tiene algo de europeo y algo de Turco, con los colores caracteristicos y los espacios increibles de esta arquitectura.

Es mucho mas variado e incorpora elementos de diferentes culturas con la base del estilo caracteristico griego.


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5 años

Cinco años con vosotros..............¡ qué rápido se pasa el tiempo..... como siempre !
Reflexionando un poco sobre el transcurso de estos años , he llegado a la conclusión,
entre otras cosas, que cinco son también los orígenes de este blog:

El bordado , fundamentalmente el punto de cruz .
El patchwork, cada vez más presente.
La recuperación de esos útiles, telas, accesorios ..... de antaño ,
que ya han convertido en colección de pequeños detalles antiguos.
La divulgación del gusto por hacer una labor ,
compartiendo ilusiones , técnicas, avances.....y errores..........
....pero eso sí , siempre intentando superar dificultades
y aprendiendo a través de libros , de la red y de vuestra generosidad.
Y por último , pero no menos importante, el encuentro con maravillosas amigas que espero ,
si Dios quiere, conservar muchos años.

Para celebrar estos cinco años al pie del cañón ( con sus altibajos y todo ) quiero compartir
con vosotras, ese rincón que he estado
remodelado en mi habitación de costura y que antes pertenecía
a las cosas de scrap y artwork.
Siento que las imágenes no sean todo lo claras posible.
No es cámara de vídeo sino de fotos.
También el corte del final , algo repentino. A sabiendas de que youtube
lo elimine por sobrepasar diez minutos ,
he tenido que reducir la despedida.
Lástima que hoy tengamos un día gris y lluvioso y no se vea con la luz del sol .
Sacaré en otro artículo algunas fotos para que se
vea con más nitidez .

Gracias por vuestra constancia, comentarios , saludos esporádicos,
paciencia, emails y ánimos
para que este blog siga adelante.
Ah! Eso sí , cada vez tengo más claro eso de que hace algún tiempo
se lee por ahí : " Publicar sin obligación "

Otro día os invito a un cafetito con magdalenas caseras por este cumple.

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Reader’s Remodeled Kitchen



BEFORE:   Reader’s kitchen before her remodeling.  Actually, this kitchen is truly charming as is.  That stove!!!!  It is the owner’s grandmother’s original Chambers!


Emails, I get emails!!   I recently got this email from a reader in Ft. Worth, Texas.  Here’s what she had to say:


I love your website and pored over Kitchen Design elements for months. I wrote you once about using white marble. I wanted it but was worried about caring for it. You were so nice and wrote me back and told me to go for it - get what I love - life is short. So I did!  I put honed Absolute Black on the one side and honed Carrara on the other. Our kitchen is still small -we could not get more out of the space, but we gutted it, made the door to the dining room larger, new electrical, new Pella windows, doors, hardwood floor to match the rest of our house. Out with my grandmothers Chambers stove and a new "baby" Viking to fit my small space and other new stainless appliances, THE gorgeous Shaw sink, polished nickel Perrin and Rowe bridge faucet, new cabinets, hardware and light farmhouse lights. I took all my furniture out of my dining room that I hated and we added another window. I hung some little sconces from Wisteria- best I can do till I get more money.  I guess in 10 years they will say - remember all those white marble kitchens? I think I will never get tired of it.

image AFTER:  Here is the same view – hard to believe it is the same space!!!  Notice the owner used black granite and white marble together!!


image Looking the other way – at the sink area.  The space is very small, but it is very functional.  I prefer small kitchens myself.   By using a combination range instead of a cooktop and wall ovens – the homeowner saved space. 



I love the cabinetry and the hardware.  Of course, the Shaw’s sink and the Perrin and Rowe bridge faucet are my favorites.  I used those two elements in my own kitchen.  I think they are so gorgeous.



The dining room opens off the kitchen. 


image The dining room used to be red, but the owner painted it a light yellow.  The chairs are from her grandmother and there are two different styles – repainted white, they blend together.   The prints had not been hung when she sent me these pictures.


image I love the white marble and I love the stainless appliances.   I said that I chose my appliances for their pretty handles and it looks like the homeowner did the same thing – I love the handles on her refrigerator and the dishwasher. 

Thank you so much to the homeowner for sending in these pictures!  You did a great job!!!!

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Algunas propuestas de home offices para jovenes y niños.


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Algunas vertientes del estilo rustico, eligen el blanco como unico tono. Asi se logran espacios diafanos, claros, y armonicos.

Si hay un color asociado, este se da en pequeños toques, y las maderas son siempre claras para armonizar perfectamente con estos espacios.


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Photo shoot location

Some time ago I discovered a London website (here) that presents locations for photo shoots.

So they offer a lot of houses you can hire for all your business photo shoots!

The house here is one of them. Although it is certainly not a beach house – it is located in the neighborhood of London- it has a very beachy character.  A lot of white rooms, spacious, very serene feeling,…



  Looking at the pictures of the exterior of the house, you would never expect a beachy interior, isn’t it?






The view from the house towards the surrounding area! Not a seaside view at all!


20 Some pictures give me the impression te be in the house right now.





Love this!!!



22 The powder room.



The kitchen space is filled with light.



23 The laundry room in a light blue and grey color.


21 Upstairs.

The house counts a lot of bedrooms!


12 I really feel to be inside this room.



And counting different bedrooms, this house needs different bathrooms!


3 I am in love with this bathroom!  The chimney piece, the bathtube in the middle of the room.  Must be just gorgeous in wintertimes if the fire is burning….!




14 I might think that this bathroom matches with …

…this bedroom?!



What do you think about the children’s bedrooms?




If you click on the image here below, you will discover some photoshoots of this house, published in magazines.

31 Did you have recognized some of the rooms?


Have a wonderful weekend my friends!



All images : here.

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