

Informacion e imagenes de bañeras:

Buscando nuevas y modernas bañeras, encontré esta novedosa bañera, la cual quiero compartir con ustedes.
Pues a quien no le gusta relajarse con un baño caliente y a la vez disfrutar de un buen entretenimeinto y nada mejor que una LCD incluida en la bañera. Es una maravilla tener en casa esta novedosa y moderna bañera con alta tecnología.
El nombre es “Vapor Di Cosmo” se trata de una esplendida bañera con una pantalla LCD táctil de 17 pulgadas. Simplemente una propuesta muy innovadora.
Después de un día estresante de trabajo, llegar a casa y disfrutar de esta bañera con un baño caliente y tu película preferida; hara que te renueves y desestreses.
Y si no te apetece mirar ni películas ni tus programas preferidos mientras estas en la tina, puedes optar por poner tu estación de radio predilecta cerrar los ojos y disfrutar de las burbujas.
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Que novedoso estilo de cama circular, verdad?. Para aquellas personas que desean disfrutar de la decoración moderna, esta cama circular es el accesorio perfecto para resaltar la apariencia de cualquier recámara.
El principal atractivo de esta novedosa cama circular, es su estructura circular, la cual logra una sensación de estar en una nube flotando, muy buena opción para aquellos que gozan deleitarse de un buen descanso.
Este extravagante diseño muestra un tamaño más grande que una cama ordinaria, es ideal para relajarse. Para aquellos que no la prefieran como mecedora, y que solo estén interesados en su particular forma, ofrece dos cuñas para poder adaptarla al grado deseado.

Más información: Private-cloud Redecorando
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¡ Quilt Rojos , cintas y puntillas terminado !


Se puede decir que " el que la sigue la consigue " ,pues eso y una gran alegría cuando he visto la colcha colgada , es lo que he pensado.
Realmente cuan

Quilt  Rojos, cintas y puntillas

Otra vista desde el otro lado....

Quilt Rojos, cintas y puntillas / Detalle

Los detalles.......

Quilt Rojos, cintas y puntillas / Detalle

Como no me convencía ninguna de las telas que tenía para el borde, me acerqué a Dechado y ¡ qué casulidad ! le quedaba un resto de medio metro de lino en cuadritos rojos y grises , justo como el que empleé en gris y beige en el quilt.
Coser el lino como tela de borde es bastante latoso porque la presilla de la máquina va escurriendo la tela , asi que como no me va mucho lo de hilvanar ( soy más bien de coser diréctamente o con ayuda de alfileres ) tuve que colocar una " ristra " de alfileres uno seguido de otro, a un cm más o menos para la cosa fuera bien.

Quilt Rojos, cintas y puntillas / Detalle

Esta vez intenté hacer otro tipo de esquina que ya había visto en este tipo de quilt.

.......Y tan feliz estaba que haciendo un poco de loca ...... me vestí con él . A ver si sabes qué cara tengo , aunque no se me vea.

Ahí van los datos técnicos:

Medida-115 cm x 133cm
Telas _ Batista bordada de la tienda de retales de la ciudad, Lino en cuadritos( rojos y grises / beige y grises ) Fats de Bouts de Tissus, Tela estampada en letras rojas de Yuwa.
Puntillas de algodón fino, picunela granate, cintas francesas en blanco y rojo
Piezas antiguas de ganchillo ( crochet )
Guata acrílica

Recuerda que si quieres saber qué patrón he utilizado y cuál es la composición de cada bloque, echa un vistazo en éste artículo anterior.

....Y ahora encogiendo mis deditos , me doy unos besitos a cada una de mis mejillitas ¡¡¡¡PORQUE YO LO VALGO !!!!

Espero que la que se anime a hacer algo de este estilo , con su toque personal y telas al gusto , nos lo cuente y se anime a empezarlo ....¡¡¡¡ A por ello !!!

NOTA: Si quieres ver mejor los detalles y más grandes, pincha en mi album de flickr ( a la derecha en el índice ), sobre la foto del mosaico y allí elige la opción ver todos los tamaños .
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End of Summer Lovin'

Unlike most Americans, I will be laboring over the long Labor Day holiday weekend. I have a lot of irons in the fire so I need do some work and get myself organized. I'm a little bummed but I knew that forgoing vacations this summer might be necessary and if all goes well, I will be able to take some fabulous ones next year! What's funny is that it feels like just yesterday that I posted some photos from the first Hamptons Cottages and Gardens magazine of the season and now summer is almost over! Times flies! So as a last hurrah, I'm posted photos from Hamptons Havens: The Best of Hamptons Cottages and Gardens published in 2005. The book contains a great mix of traditional and modern homes to die for as usual. Hope you enjoy your holiday weekend whatever you are doing...or not doing!

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Courtney Caplan - Rising Star!


CaplanLibrary 002 

Remember this "library" where everyone commented, how can it be a library, there are no books?!!!  So, I changed the name to the rather boring sounding "TV Watching Room."


CaplanLibrary 0141

Well, you can see here, among the gorgeous Bennison and Rogers & Goffigon fabrics and M. Naeve antiques, there ARE some books, here! 


These clients of mine were people I knew when we started working together about five years ago, but we really weren't friends.  After working on a house for this long, either you end up enemies or buddies!!   Thankfully, we became close friends and they are, I like to say, my favorite clients.  We've shared a lot together over these past five years, mostly great things, and lots of phone conversations and emails go back and forth between us.  So, when something happens worth bragging about, I'll get a call or an email from them and vice versa.  Today, was just that kind of day when I got an email full of pictures from a party held at Lake Travis this past weekend which their daughter had planned.  You see, their daughter, Courtney Caplan, is in business for herself  in Austin, Texas.   She's an upscale event coordinator which is a fancy word for party planner.    Today, Courtney and her partner Sarah Miller own Caplan Miller Events and CME is fast becoming the "go to" company for weddings, parties, corporate events, and Bar Mitzvahs.  



The beautiful and dynamic Courtney Caplan


Courtney ended up in Austin after graduating from the University of Texas with a degree in Corporate Communication.   She worked at the legendary and tony Driskill Hotel for six years - serving as their Catering Director where she personally coordinated more than 1,000 events.  She received many accolades and awards during her stint at the classic hotel.  But, the ever energetic Courtney wanted more and yearned to be her own boss.  Hence, CME was born.  The company has quickly garnered rave reviews and laudatory press.  To say it is a success would be an understatement.  I'm so impressed with Courtney's abilities, I've already hired her to be the planner for my daughter Elisabeth's wedding.  Just because she's only 17 and not even out of high school really doesn't matter!  I want to be sure Courtney and CME will be available in, oh, about ten years from now.  


Just take a look at these pictures from a 50th birthday party Courtney and CME planned at Lake Travis, Texas last weekend.  You'll understand why her parents wanted to share them with me:




Now, do you know see why I am so impressed?   Look how charming this setting is!  Greeting all the arriving guests were green Appletinis, standing ready under a green and white tent.  



A montage of flowers from  the party.  Look how beautiful that ball of pink flowers and green orchids is.  The lake, and setting for the party, is Lake Travis right outside of Austin.  The Hill Country of Texas is our French Riviera.



Zebra and linen pillows on couches were brought in for the party.   Fans were available to cool down the guests.




A collage of the decor for the 50th Birthday party that CME planned.   The theme colors were the green, as seen in the orchids, pillows, and tablecloths, and to contrast the green was a deep apricot and accents of zebra skin.  Notice how even the cushions on the dinner table chairs were made out of the zebra skin.   Modern, hip, and youthful!




Scattered around the party were statues, brought in from Las Vegas.  Look closely - the statues are alive!!



See!  Amazing!!!


Another member of the Las Vegas crew - giant, live orchids!!



The lighting for the party was dramatic.  In the past decade, lighting vendors have become very popular and vital to a successful, upscale party.



The lighted dance floor.   There were three musical acts, one of whom was Sister Sledge!   Notice the tents - zebra rugs and pillows, sofas and chairs, provide a trendy place to sit and talk away from the crowd.  Great idea, Courtney!


Courtney and CME turned an outdoor lawn area into a New York City discotheque.   I love the hot pink lighted floor and ceiling.  The building to the left was lighted lime green.






At the end of the night, they even had a fireworks display.

I can understand why her parents are so proud of Courtney.  She's really a talented and innovative event planner and these images leave a lasting impression of her abilities.   Look at  some photos from other, more tamer events, CME has coordinated:



For a Texas outdoor wedding, CME set the theme right at the party's entrance.


Only in Texas and maybe Colorado - the bride wore lace and cowboy boots.


The bride walks to the wedding under an old-fashioned windmill.


The ceremony was outdoors, the reception was tented.


Tables were marked by names of Texas cities.


At another wedding the theme was red, and a huge urn with red flowers greeted the guests.  The table also holds a package of goodies to take home.


The red theme carried over to the bride's cake.


 This wedding was held in a quaint, Texas town, complete with an old gas station and a steepled church.



The path to the ceremony was marked by paper lights.  The groom looks a little nervous to me.


The tiny flower girls look adorable walking down the petal strewn aisle!



At another wedding, the ring bearers road up in a flower encrusted University of Texas Longhorn wagon.  Poor thing - he doesn't seem too happy!


This groom's cake is amazing - it's the University of Texas Tower.  Hey, this IS Austin, you know!!!


For a bridal shower, hydrangeas and roses were the centerpieces.


Name places were stuck into rose-filled apples.  Charming!


For a corporate event, Texas fiddle players greeted the employees at their annual party.


And Texas beer, Shiner Bock, was passed.


Autographed Asleep at the Wheel CDs were handed out.


The vodka bar was an ice sculpture!


For another corporate event, the theme was decidedly feminine.  Notice the huge vases filled with lemons and flowers on each side of the podium.


The tablescapes for this corporate event.


What's most amazing about CME is how young Courtney is yet, she has the maturity and knowledge to have made her company such a success.  Her future is bright and I couldn't be happier for Courtney or her parents -- after all, they ARE my favorite clients!


Be sure to visit Caplan Miller Events' web site here.

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