A Jacobean Tudor House in Charlotte, North Carolina
In the latest issue of the French Magazine ‘Maisons de Campagne’, I discovered an article about a gorgeous house in Charlotte, North Carolina. I was so overwhelmed by the pictures of this house that I definitely wanted to know more about the architect of this beautiful house. Ruard Veltman is his name. His company Ruard Veltman Architecture is located in Charlotte, North Carolina.
I do recommend you to visit his website http://www.ruardveltmanarchitecture.com/. You will discover a lot of beautiful houses designed by his hand!
I have to say that in a lot these houses I felt the influence of European design and guess what…? I discovered that he is from Dutch origine!!
Here on below I show you the pictures that were published in the Maisons de Campagne Magazine and in addition I have post the pictures I found at the website of Ruard Veltman.
In the article was written that Ruard Veltman had designed the house in close cooperation with the New Orleans interior designers Ann Dupuy and Eugénie Gibbens. I did not found further information about them. If there is someone who knows more about these designers, please let me know.

Image 1 Jacobean Tudor style of the house. Stone and brick go hand in hand.
Image 2 Normallly you will find dark coloured ceiling beams in a Jacobean styled house, but here the beams are finished with a bright colour and together with the carpet and the coffee table, is brought in a contemporary touch.
Image 3 To achieve a real contrast between the perfect geometrical windows, the designers have chosen for a country styled dining table.
Image 4 A beautiful sober but elegant entry hall.

Image 5 A mix of different styles of furniture. A contemporary coffee table and antique furniture.
Image 6 The sitting area between the kitchen and living room. The walls are painted in a grey-white colour that matches the carpet colour.
Image 7 Very elegant dining room with leather upholstered chairs.
Image 8 In the kitchen are used a lot of recuperation materials as the beams and the furniture. I do love the grey coloured cabinets.
Image 9 Contemporary styled bathroom
Image 10 Master bedroom in shades of brown.
Image 11 Blue shaded guestroom.
Image 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 all scanned from the Magazine Maisons de Campagne, Jan.-Febr. issue 2010, n°62.
Photographer W. Waldron.
And the following images of the house in Charlotte are from the website of Ruard Veltman (here).

Have a nice weekend!
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