Weekend images for you
This weekend I want to share with you some wonderful images I scanned from 3 books I love.
They don’t need that much explanation, they speak for themselves!
The first 7 images are from the book “Au Clair de la Mer” de Jean-Loup Daraux (Verbavolant) Photos de Mario Ciampi.

Image 1 I love the view through that mirror!
Image 2 Gorgeous use of natural colours here! Do you see in the back the mirror of the image above?
Image 3 A detail somewhere in that same room! Notice the weathered wood of the horses.
Image 4 Again a beautiful still life in that room.
Image 5 Give your used cans a second life! Give them a place in your interior! Isn’t that a gorgeous idea? Love the patine of them!
Image 6 Neutral colours with a touch of vivid colours : look at the carpet and the colour of the flowers.
Image 7 Isn’t that a beautiful bedroom? So serene! Seems to be the most wonderful place to calm down!
The following 5 images I scanned from the book “Architectural Stories” by Bernard De Clerck (Beta-Plus/Lannoo)
Image 8 In my post about a charming Belgian B&B, I told you about the use of natural colours with only a touch of a more vivid colour. So here you will notice again : the yellow coloured fabric of the slipcovered seat against all neutral colours.
Image 9 Do you see it?
Image 10 This room is one of my favorite rooms in this book.
Image 11 Serenity!! Notice the ceiling bow.
Image 12 I would call this a mysterious starecase.
The last 5 pictures I scanned from the book “Dubbel of Single” Mooie Hotels in België en Nederland, by Jan Dirkx
(Uitgeverij Het Bronzen Huis/Eén)
Image 13 Isn’t that romantic?
Image 14 Love the atmosphere in this room. The dark coloured bed and table in contrast with the white painted walls.
Image 15 Pinewood and linen. Both natural materials.
Image 16 Just love this!
Image 17 And to end a beautiful saying! FROM ME TO YOU ALL, MY DEAREST READERS !
Hope your angel is listening this weekend!