The Real Slim Paley

Slim Paley is a girl after my own heart who would rather curl up with a good book in her Sun Valley, Idaho house (above) than strap two sticks to her feet! She also has a wonderful sense of humor, one that is fun and self deprecating and doesn't make fun of others, except maybe her Pilates instructor! Once you see the photos of her, you'll see what I mean! Someone once asked me what I thought made a good blog and it's definitely one that makes you laugh while remaining professional. Speaking of professional, her travel photos could be considered professional! It's my dream to go on an African safari and I loved reading the account of her trip and seeing her fabulous photos. In a sea of design blogs, I think Slim Paley is going to quickly become one of your favorites. I know it's already one of mine! Enjoy!
All photos by Slim Paley