"Something's Gotta Give" at House Beautiful

This month's issue of House Beautiful is a beauty, story after story, I'm loving it. There's a spread on Suzanne Rheinstein's fabulous new fabrics. Suzanne is looking good these days, younger and younger! She's unrecognizable to me in this issue. Then there's a great story on Belgian design and another one on a fabulous apartment by Joe Nye. The Peak of Chic already showcases that story here, as does the House Beautiful web site.
There is one story in this issue that is very strange, though. As you may remember from my previous blog on the movie, Something's Gotta Give by Nancy Meyers, the Hampton house that starred in that movie actually upstaged Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton. Scores of articles have been written about the Hampton house, and people have designed their own homes based on it. Why is it so universally loved? It could be the soothing blues and creams, the famous striped dhurri rug, the ironstone dishes in the dining room with the Bennison slipcovers, the Swedish Mora clock, the dark wood floors, the fabulous soapstone counters in the even more fabulous kitchen - I could go on and on about why that house appeals. So, I was thrilled to see an article in HB by the interior designer of the famous Hampton house. Or is he?

The living room with the striped rug, dark wood furniture, and Mora clock that stole a movie!
"You've designed houses in two hit movies by director Nancy Meyers, Something's Gotta Give and The Holiday. Are you a set designer or an interior designer who also does sets?"
I've always believed that the Production Designer of Something's Gotta Give was Jon Hutman and the Set Director was Beth Rubino. James Radin's name has never been mentioned in any articles that I've read on the set design. Jon Hutman is also listed at the Production Designer for "The Holiday", another movie of Meyers' where the set steals the show.
The dining room with the Bennison slipcovered chairs and wonderful ironstone collection.
Continuing, Radin's response to the statement that he designed these fabulous homes for Meyers' movies: "I'm an Interior Designer. I designed Nancy's own house and she asked me to help the production design team with Diane Keaton's house in Something's Gotta Give. She wanted it to look professionally decorated, like Diane's character would have."

The much talked about soapstone countered kitchen from the movie set.
Paul brings up the movie several times throughout the interview and it's mentioned in the notes accompanying it's pictures. There's even a TV with, you guessed it, Something's Gotta Give playing on the screen. House Beautiful definitely wants the reader to believe that Radin was the credited designer on the two movie sets.
Another view of the living room with the leather ottoman and slipcovered sofas.
What's going on here? It seems strange. When I first read the article, I was excited thinking, wow - this is designer behind that fabulous house. But I kept thinking about Beth Rubino, the famous set designer. Wasn't she the designer here? A detailed Google search for Something's Gotta Give and James Radin showed only one hit: on the credits, Special Thanks go to James Radin. It leaves me wondering, who's scamming who here?
Another shot of the dining room, dark wood floors, seagrass rug
Below are a few pics from House Beautiful of Radin's admittedly beautiful home, regardless of whether he is THE designer of the famous Hampton house or not.
For much more detailed reporting on the movie set of Something's Gotta Give see Surroundings' blog
Radin's master bedroom, serene in whites and creams with touches of blue.

The lady of the house's walk in closet. Now this is luxury.
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